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Our Approach to Giving

Our giving is focused on evidence-based solutions to some of the biggest challenges in Criminal Justice, Health Care, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Higher Education, Journalism, Affordable Housing, Climate and Energy, and Democracy.

We support organizations aligned with our core areas. We source the majority of our proposals through direct outreach and periodically, we do issue formal Requests for Proposals. We do not currently accept unsolicited grant proposals. Funding decisions are made by the board and staff throughout the year based on a variety of criteria, with the ultimate goal of advancing our strategies.

  • To stay informed about developments in our work and areas of focus, subscribe to our newsletter.
  • Jump down the page to view our financial filings.
  • If you are a member of the media seeking more information about Arnold Ventures, please submit a request for information or visit our newsroom.
  • For more information, feel free to contact us.
  • For more information on our 2023 approach to giving, look here.
  • Partnership for Proven Programs: Arnold Ventures is working with public leaders to drive new funding for evidence-based programs and policymaking at the state and local levels. We look for partners eager to leverage research and data to identify, implement, and scale up the policies proven effective by a robust body of evidence. Together, we aim to achieve real results for American families, communities, and businesses through data-driven decision-making.
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Current Requests for Proposals