03.19.2025 Higher Education
Arnold Ventures Survey Finds Voters Across the Political Spectrum Demand Greater Accountability in Higher Education
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 19, 2025) – American voters overwhelmingly support increased transparency and accountability in higher education, according to a new national survey commissioned by Arnold Ventures. Voters from Republican, Democratic, and independent backgrounds agree that state and federal governments should do more to assess the value of college degrees, provide this information to students, and hold institutions accountable for offering programs that fail to deliver strong student outcomes.
Earning a college degree remains the surest path to financial security and economic mobility. Yet within American higher education, students experience uneven outcomes, and public dollars are invested inefficiently. In an era where student debt continues to rise and concerns over return on investment in higher education intensify, this survey finds a shared demand among Americans for reforms that prioritize student success, financial security, and proper stewardship of taxpayer dollars.
“Voters across the political spectrum want changes that provide real value from higher education,” said Kelly McMannus, vice president of higher education at Arnold Ventures. “With broad bipartisan support behind greater accountability and a focus on outcomes, policymakers now have a unique chance to advance reforms that truly serve students’ and families’ interests and strengthen their future outcomes.”
Key Findings from the Survey:
- Transparency: More than three-quarters of voters say federal and state governments should evaluate and disclose the value of college degrees. Voters say federal and state governments that provide funding to colleges and universities should assess the value of the degrees those colleges offer to students and provide that information to the public.
- Accountability for Schools: Voters believe there should be consequences if schools are providing degree programs that do not offer good value to graduates. Voters say there should be consequences for the university, such as discontinuing or no longer receiving funding for those programs that do not offer good value to graduates — for example, if institutions require high tuition or loans but do not lead to good jobs — by a 59 to 31 percent margin.
- Informed Decision-Making: Earnings after graduation and loan debt levels are the most important considerations in assessing a degree program’s value. Forty-five percent of voters say how much money graduates earn after graduation is one of their two most important elements in determining value, while 43 percent say how much loan debt students have after graduation is another key factor.
- Overhaul in Higher Education: Overall, 61 percent of voters — including 75 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of Democrats — say higher education needs major changes or a complete overhaul. A majority of voters say student loans, increases in tuition and student fees, and degree programs with few or no job prospects after graduation are significant problems. Eighty-two percent of voters say student loans that take years to pay off, or cannot be paid off at all, are a significant problem for students, while 77 percent say increases in tuition and student fees are a significant problem, and 58 percent say degree programs that offer few or no job prospects after graduation are a significant problem.
The Arnold Ventures commissioned poll was conducted jointly by North Star Opinion Research and Hart Research. The national poll surveyed 1,015 registered voters between February 10 – 13, 2025, with a +/-3.08 percent margin of error. Completed interviews were minimally weighted by education to reflect 2024 turnout estimates.
Arnold Ventures has long advocated for policies that promote quality and accountability in higher education and supports data-driven reforms that ensure students and taxpayers receive a strong return on their investment in higher education.
For more information about the survey, click here.
Arnold Ventures is a philanthropy that supports research to understand the root causes of America’s most persistent and pressing problems, as well as evidence-based solutions to address them. By focusing on systemic change, AV is working to improve the lives of American families, strengthen their communities, and promote their economic opportunity. Since Laura and John Arnold launched their foundation in 2008, the philanthropy has expanded, and Arnold Ventures’ focus areas include education, criminal justice, health, infrastructure, and public finance, advocating for bipartisan policy reforms that will lead to lasting, scalable change. The Arnolds became signatories of the Giving Pledge in 2010.
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