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WASHINGTON D.C. (Feb. 28, 2024)– Following the Senate Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism’s hearing, The Nation’s Correctional Staffing Crisis: Assessing the Toll on Correctional Officers and Incarcerated Persons,” Kevin Ring, vice president of criminal justice advocacy at Arnold Ventures, issued the following statement: 

Our nation’s prisons are in crisis. Chronic understaffing has resulted in conditions that are dangerous for correctional staff and incarcerated people alike. 

Today’s hearing can signal a change. We are grateful to Senators Cory Booker and Tom Cotton for coming together to bring bipartisan attention to this issue. And we are encouraged that One Voice United, which represents corrections officers and staff, and FAMM, which represents incarcerated people and their families, have joined together in a new campaign for safer prisons. These groups understand that the health and safety of everyone who works and lives in prison, and in the wider community, are connected. 

If these unexpected allies can come together to make our prisons and communities safer, our elected leaders can do the same.”


Arnold Ventures is a philanthropy that supports research to understand the root causes of America’s most persistent and pressing problems, as well as evidence-based solutions to address them. By focusing on systemic change, AV is working to improve the lives of American families, strengthen their communities, and promote their economic opportunity. Since Laura and John Arnold launched their foundation in 2008, the philanthropy has expanded, and Arnold Ventures’ focus areas include education, criminal justice, health, infrastructure, and public finance, advocating for bipartisan policy reforms that will lead to lasting, scalable change. The Arnolds became signatories of the Giving Pledge in 2010.

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