Grant Recipient: University of Austin
Principal Investigator(s): J Mark Eddy, Michelle Myles, Becky Pettit
Term: 2023 – 2028
Summary: This study evaluates the implementation and impact of a school-based violence reduction program for youth and their families in Austin, Texas.
The project involves a collaboration between the Council for At-Risk Youth (CARY), a local organization which provides in-school violence reduction services in Austin Independent School District and Del Valle Independent School District, and researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and the local community. The project will randomize offers to participate in the PeaceRox program in three local high schools to understand better how PeaceRox impacts student outcomes like school attendance, grades, and engagement with the juvenile and adult legal systems.
The project will also examine how the program functions on a day-to-day basis to inform expansion efforts.