Grant Recipient: University of Washington
Term: 2017 –2019
Principal Investigator: Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Ph. D., University of Washington
Summary: This project is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of an intervention that combines (i) in-hospital Motivational Interviewing designed to prevent hospitalized gunshot wound victims from engaging in risky behaviors upon their release (e.g., crime, retaliation), and (ii) Critical Time Intervention, a case management program provided for several months after hospital discharge that is designed to connect gunshot wound victims with necessary community services, insure they have an appropriate support system, and help them develop a plan for achieving long-term goals (e.g., employment, education). Both components of the intervention are backed by promising evidence of effectiveness from RCTs in other policy contexts.
This study will randomly assign 145 calendar weeks over approximately a three – year period (2016−2018) to treatment versus control conditions. Gunshot wound victims admitted to Seattle’s Harborview Medical Center during “treatment” weeks will be eligible to receive the intervention, and those admitted during “control” weeks will receive usual services. The researchers anticipate enrolling at least 300 gunshot wound victims in the study, with the primary outcome measure being arrest rates.
Funding beyond 2018 for longer-term follow-up will be considered if promising impacts emerge by late 2018. The study’s pre-specified analysis plan is linked here.
This study has been completed. A plain-language summary of the findings is available here.