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An Evaluation of New York’s Less is More Parole Reform Act

This project uses quasi-experimental methods to study the impact of New York’s Less is More Parole Reform Act.

Grant Recipient: RAND Corporation

Principal Investigator(s): Shamena Anwar, John Engberg, Beau Kilmer

Term: 2023 – 2027

Summary: This project will conduct an implementation and outcome evaluation of New York’s Less is More Parole Reform Act, which brought sweeping changes to New York’s parole system in 2021. The reforms were intended to reduce the parole population, decrease the time parolees spend incarcerated, and increase the fairness and transparency of parole revocation hearings. 

This evaluation will seek to determine whether the reforms had their intended impact, as well as whether the reforms had an impact on public safety outcomes. Understanding the extent to which these reforms were successful will contribute to our understanding of community supervision reforms more broadly.