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AV Recommends Ways to Improve the Congressional Budget Office

Including program integrity savings in a cost estimate could provide Congress with more comprehensive, more accurate data to inform its deliberations.

The House Budget Committee held a hearing on September 11, 2024, on improving the Congressional Budget Office. Arnold Ventures Vice President of Public Finance Andrew Moylan and Public Finance Manager Anna Tyger submitted a statement for the record in response to this hearing encouraging the Committee to improve the accuracy of CBO’s scoring by allowing for the inclusion of projected savings from investments in program integrity in legislative cost estimates, where there is strong reason to believe such savings exist.

Including such analysis in a cost estimate could provide Congress with more comprehensive, more accurate data to inform its deliberations. It is crucial that interventions to reduce waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars are fully reflected in CBO cost estimates, and equally crucial that CBO’s scoring remains evidence-based and nonpartisan.

Read our statement for the record here