Evidence and Evaluation
A Unique Workforce Development Program Shows Promise in Reducing Inequality and Boosting Economic Growth
Evidence and Evaluation
A Unique Workforce Development Program Shows Promise in Reducing Inequality and Boosting Economic Growth
Evidence and Evaluation
A Replication Randomized Controlled Trial of Stay the Course, Measuring Enrollment and Degree Completion by Low-Income Community College Students
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
RCT of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) for high utilizers of hospitals and jails in Dallas County
Summaries of RCT Grants

Proving That Skills Training Programs Can Help Working Families
Evidence and Evaluation
Proving That Skills Training Programs Can Help Working Families
Evidence and Evaluation
Webinar Offers Practical Advice on Applying for Grant Funding with Arnold Ventures’ Evidence-Based Policy Initiative

5 Ways to Move the Needle on Major U.S. Social Problems
Evidence and Evaluation
5 Ways to Move the Needle on Major U.S. Social Problems
The Biden Administration
Evidence and Evaluation
Earnings and Employment Impacts in the English for Advancement (EfA) Randomized Trial — a Workforce Development Program for English Language Learners
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Minnesota Math Corps, a Tutoring Program for 4th-8th Grade Students Who Are Struggling in Math
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
Long-term (6.5‑Year) Impact of the PROSPER Youth Substance Abuse Prevention System on Medicaid-Covered Emergency Department Utilization
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Motivational Interviewing plus Critical Time Intervention for Hospitalized Gunshot Wound Victims, to Prevent Future Risky Behavior
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
A Replication Randomized Controlled Trial of the Nevada Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Program for Unemployment Insurance Claimants
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
A Replication Randomized Controlled Trial of Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) Measuring Degree Completion by Low-Income Community College Students in Ohio
Findings from RCT Grants
Evidence and Evaluation
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Communications ‘Nudges’ to Increase College Financial Aid Applications and College Attendance of Low-Income and First-Generation Students
Findings from RCT Grants

About Us
We strive to maximize opportunity and minimize injustice by investing in systemic solutions that will outlast our funding.