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From Retributive to Restorative: An Alternative Approach to Justice

This project uses quasi-experimental methods to study the impact of school-based restorative justice practices in Chicago, Illinois.

Grant Recipient: University of Chicago

Principal Investigator(s): Anjali Adukia, Benjamin Feigenberg, Fatemeh Momeni

Term: 2023 – 2024

Funding: $99,980

Summary: This work evaluates the impacts of the rollout of school-based restorative justice practices through a research-practice partnership with Chicago Public Schools. Restorative justice practices are designed to prioritize reparation over punitiveness and to promote shared ownership of disciplinary justice, and we examine how their adoption in schools affects student suspensions, absences, academic achievement, school climate, and child-level arrests. We find evidence that restorative justice practices in schools are effective in reducing suspension rates and child arrests while improving school climate; these gains take place without any evidence of increases in classroom disruption. 

Funding is being used in support of the publication of these findings and to support public dissemination efforts more broadly.