The Evidence and Evaluation team at Arnold Ventures (AV) has started the year by launching two new requests for proposals (RFPs): Strengthening Evidence and Building Evidence. Both RFPs aim to fund rigorous, causal research to expand and bolster the evidence base for promising social policies and programs. Letters of interest for both RFPs are due by March 14, 2025.
We sat down with Andrew Bacher-Hicks, vice president of evidence and evaluation, to discuss these new RFPs and how these programs will build on AV’s previous research investments.
Arnold Ventures
The Evidence and Evaluation team just announced a new round of Strengthening Evidence and Building Evidence RFPs. What are the goals of these RFPs?

Andrew Bacher-Hicks
The big-picture goal of everything we do at Arnold Ventures is to use rigorous research to help identify the root causes of America’s most pressing problems and craft evidence-based solutions to address them. Through these RFPs, we aim to fund research projects to build a body of rigorous evidence about which programs and policies work. This is not research funding for research-funding’s sake – we really want to answer policy relevant questions to improve outcomes for real people.
Because of our emphasis on open science, we are also committed to avoiding the “file drawer” problem where null findings aren’t published. We’re dedicated to sharing evidence even when promising programs do not drive the outcomes we anticipate.
Our overarching goal is to use the evidence that emerges from these investments to support well-reasoned policy change.
Arnold Ventures
The Evidence and Evaluation team released a similar set of RFPs last year. Why launch a repeat for 2025?

Andrew Bacher-Hicks
Last year, the Evidence and Evaluation team tested the waters by releasing the Strengthening Evidence and Building Evidence RFPs for the first time. While we have a long history of funding RCTs, our emphasis on quasi-experimental designs was new.
We were so impressed by the number of quality submissions we received that we wanted to build on last year’s successes and continue supporting both types of studies moving forward.
Arnold Ventures
Speaking of last year’s RFPs, can you share which projects you funded?

Andrew Bacher-Hicks
I’m pleased to share that we funded 13 research projects using quasi-experimental research designs under last year’s Building Evidence RFP. These 13 projects investigate impacts in a range of areas, such as several student success programs, housing affordability interventions, and contraceptive access policies.
We’re still finalizing funding decisions for the Strengthening Evidence RFP, which had a later deadline for letters of interest. Expect to see deeper dives into funded projects from both RFPs on the AV website soon!
Arnold Ventures
Are there any differences from past RFPs?

Andrew Bacher-Hicks
The Strengthening Evidence RFP is set up to fund rigorous randomized controlled trials that evaluate innovative social programs and policies in the United States. AV has done that work for a long time, but this is the second year that we’ve put a deadline on submissions rather than having a rolling application process. So that’s new.
The Building Evidence RFP will fund rigorous, causal research using quasi-experimental methods. This is similar to last year’s RFP, but we have expanded the set of AV policy portfolios supported this year. I’m happy to say that we’re looking for projects that align with the following five key AV policy portfolios: higher education, career education and training, infrastructure, contraceptive choice and access, and public finance.
Most importantly, both RFPs place a strong focus on policy relevance and thinking about how programs and policies evaluated might scale in the future. We want to encourage researchers to work with policymakers and practitioners to strengthen the evidence base for effective social policies and programs, particularly in areas where rigorous evidence can drive the funding and expansion of proven programs.
Arnold Ventures
What about research that aligns with AV’s criminal justice portfolio?

Andrew Bacher-Hicks
This is a common question! The criminal justice team has its own open RFP, which accepts applications on a rolling basis. It focuses on causal research projects related to public safety and the criminal justice system. Please submit to that RFP if your study is related to crime, the criminal justice system, or people with criminal records.