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Targeted Interventions for High-Risk Domestic Violence Victims

This project uses quasi-experimental methods to study the impact of a prosecutorial intervention targeted towards high-risk domestic violence victims in Chicago, Illinois.

Grant Recipient: University of Chicago

Principal Investigator(s): Ashna Arora, Zubin Jelveh

Term: 2023 – 2024

Summary: Domestic violence accounts for 50% of female homicides in the U.S. The criminal justice system — with which most victims initiate contact in the years leading up to their deaths — may be uniquely suited to prevent these tragedies. It is unclear, however, whether victims at high risk are identifiable, and whether criminal justice system responses targeted towards them can be effective.

We show that a prosecutorial intervention targeted towards high-risk domestic violence victims in Chicago rapidly and persistently lowered the risk of homicide for these victims.