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Video: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy: A Q&A with Elizabeth Glazer of Vital City

The Translation Project aims to make research more accessible so that policymakers can use it to craft effective, evidence-based criminal justice policies.

Image of woman being interviewed.
(Photo courtesy of David Hebert, Media Relations Manager for Arnold Ventures)

Government officials in communities across the country are trying to solve big problems and improve the lives and well-being of residents. Meanwhile, academic researchers are working closely with data and rigorously testing ideas that may reduce crime and make communities safer. Often, though, these two groups are not speaking the same language. Public officials do not have the time or expertise to dissect complex reports and academic papers. And researchers are often focused on presenting their results in academic journals and at conferences that public officials rarely access. 

To address these challenges, the policy journal Vital City is launching The Translation Project, a new initiative to help bridge the gap between policymakers and researchers. The project will create simple tools that translate dense academic research into accessible language that public officials can use. It will also directly help cities put evidence-based policies into practice and demonstrate how well-tested ideas can help prevent and reduce serious crime. 

All the best research evidence in the world won’t have an impact unless policymakers know about it and understand it,” says Jennifer Doleac, executive vice president of criminal justice at Arnold Ventures. Liz Glazer and the Vital City team are passionate about evidence-based policy and know from experience what information policymakers want and need in order to make their communities safer. I’m excited to see them put that passion and expertise into action with The Translation Project.”

We spoke with Elizabeth Glazer, founder of Vital City, about how the Translation Project will link policymakers with rigorous research and help them implement it. 


The Translation Project

Every day, researchers are learning more about what works and what doesn’t in criminal justice. However, often this research does not make it into the hands of policymakers and others who could use it. Learn more about how The Translation Project from Vital City aims to solve this problem in this video.