
We work to bring about transformative and enduring social change through advocacy and policy.
Policy change is a long and rarely linear process that first involves identifying solutions that work. Evidence alone, however, is not enough. It must be complemented with a range of activities that ensure implementable policies are developed and policymakers have the motivation to act on them.
We fund efforts to identify solutions that work through research, piloting and evaluation, and model policy development. We support policy change through public education, technical assistance, strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders, and relationships with key policymaking officials at all levels of government. Once a policy change has been made, it is critical to help ensure it lasts. In many cases, this means providing implementation support to a state or local government so that the policy can have the desired effects. In other instances, it means providing support for ongoing advocacy or defending against efforts to repeal or legal challenges to the policy changes through strategic litigation.