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Health Care Medicaid Families

For millions of low-income families and people with complex health care needs, Medicaid is an important source of health coverage.

A well-functioning Medicaid program is necessary to support people and ensure they get the care they need while protecting state and federal taxpayers from growing program costs.

Medicaid is the largest single source of health insurance in the U.S. and has become a growing share of both state and federal budgets. Medicaid’s spending growth and complex financing rules have created opportunities for large corporations with political influence, such as hospital systems, nursing homes, and managed care organizations, to increase their payments and drive-up federal costs. By enhancing transparency, curbing excessive spending, and modernizing program oversight and administration we can improve care and coverage while protecting taxpayers from growing costs.

Image: (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

1 in 5
Americans rely on Medicaid for health insurance. Source
of Medicaid costs are paid by the federal government. Source
of the Federal budget is Medicaid funding. Source
of Medicaid spending is through managed care organizations. Source