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Camden Policing Page

Community safety and a healthy democracy depends on fair, effective policing as well as robust investment in prevention strategies that work.

The evidence is clear that we need more and better policing. And policymakers have too few proven solutions to effectively reduce crime and ensure accountability for those who break the law. 

That is why Arnold Ventures is supporting research to develop evidence-based deterrence and prevention strategies, tackling the issue of unsolved crimes, and researching the effectiveness of accountability measures that protect civilians and officers alike.

Image: Officer Jim Lopez of the Camden County Police Department talks with Omar Headen, 13, during a Camden County Police Day of Action. The new Camden County Police Department was officially created in May 2013 after the unionized Camden Police department was disbanded in an overhaul that was considered unprecedented. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

Estimated number of calls to 911 each year, a majority of which are unrelated to emergencies or crimes in progress
Proportion of the 10.7 million arrests made in 2016 that were for low-level offenses
1 in 3
Americans who will experience arrest by the age of 23; the rate among Black American men is almost 1 in 2
Proportion of murders of African-Americans over the last decade that never led to an arrest, across 52 of the nation’s largest cities

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