Effective Student Success Practices

We seek to identify and scale effective practices that improve student success in higher education.
Even as access to higher education has significantly expanded, we still struggle to help students complete their credentials and secure a strong return on their investments. Colleges need sound evidence to identify ways to support students’ financial, social, and academic needs.
We support research to uncover the most effective programs and practices that will pave the way for success among all students, especially those underserved by the current system. Over the past several years, high-quality evaluations have identified several programs with the potential to substantially increase student success. Arnold Ventures works to continue building the evidence base and to secure policies and investments to scale up what works.
Image: In the past decade, many schools have launched student support programs or expanded existing efforts. The most well-known is the Accelerated Study in Associate’s Programs (ASAP) at the City University of New York, which bundled several different approaches campuses were testing into one long-term program. Here, graduates of Baruch College, part of CUNY, participate in a commencement program at Barclays Center in 2017. (Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press)
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